With first-hand experience in self-publishing and strong editorial relationships, we help our authors to realize the highest vision for their work.
At every step, through writing, editing, cover and interior design, and publishing, Havendale Press is able to partner with authors and vendors to produce quality books that inspire, teach, and entertain.
Knowing that many writers lack the time and expertise to take their work from a finished manuscript to book-in-hand, we smooth your path to becoming a published author through our meticulous attention to detail and personalized care.
A civil rights lawyer by profession, I worked as a public school teacher before that, and both roles have served me well at Havendale Press.
A proud graduate of Barnard College, I also have a master's in public policy and administration from Columbia University, a master's in teaching and curriculum development from Harvard University, and a law degree from George Mason University, the latter earned while I was working full time as a policy analyst in Washington, D.C., and becoming a mother to the youngest of my three boys.
Throughout, I continually honed my skills as an interviewer, analyst, and writer. With the publication of my book, Bless, I added three new titles to my resume: author, speaker, and publisher. Bless was not the product of any professional imperative, but rather the outgrowth of a deep longing to express my thoughts on biblical issues that mean a great deal to me. If you harbor a longing to write your own story, I hope you will allow us to help you bring that dream to fruition.