Our boutique self-publishing studio assists you in creating books that teach and uplift through stories of purpose, resilience, and faith
Inspiring Reasons and Practical Ways to Live Your Faith through Acts of Love
By Karen Panton WalkingEagle
In this thought-provoking and deeply moving work, Karen takes you on a journey during which you will reconsider what it really means to love God, to love others, and to be blessed beyond your imagination. In each engaging chapter, as she weaves true stories and meaningful scriptures with insights gleaned from everyday life, you will be motivated to reflect on your own attitudes and actions. Along the way, you will discover why changing how you think about loving others will influence your ability to bless them in new and profound ways. And, by the final page, you will agree that, while much has changed, the following has stood the test of time: the truth of Jesus’s words regarding the supreme importance of loving God and loving others, and the power to be found in acting on that love, even when inconvenient.
Enter a World of Imagination, Where Anything Lost Can Be Found
By Leisa Robotham-Reid and
Gabrielle Eubank-Green
One night when six-year-old Angela climbs into bed, she realizes something is missing—her best friend, Rufus, a stuffed toy elephant. Angela is overcome with sadness and worry and is unable to sleep. Her parents calm her by telling her the story of a magical place called the Land of Look Behind, where children learn to be responsible and keep track of their belongings. The Land of Look Behind is a fun way to introduce children to the concept of being responsible for their toys and possessions. Once they’ve traveled to the Land of Look Behind, little ones will never again wonder where they left their favorite things. Children will rest soundly, knowing their lost possessions wait for them in an enchanted place.
My Life in Pursuit of A Dream
By Ellamae Simmons, M.D.
with Rosemarie Robotham
Dr. Ellamae Simmons refused to believe the story America tried to tell her about herself. For almost one hundred years, this inspiring hidden figure has been at the forefront of the African American experience, shouldering open doors for the generations that came after her. The unforgettable tale of a little colored girl from a small Ohio town, Ellamae's sweeping memoir captures the larger history of Black people in America, from the arrival of Ellamae's ancestors aboard a slaving vessel in 1775, to Klan rallies outside her childhood home; from Jim Crow laws and blocked opportunity to the electrifying election of the nation’s first African American president. The first Black woman allergist and immunologist in the country, Ellamae refused to let bitter disappointment or personal heartbreak turn her aside. In her riveting memoir, she delves into themes of social justice ,mental health, marriages and family, and makes intimate the story of black strivers in America. But Dr. Ellamae Simmons wasn't content to just witness history—she went out and made her own.
Life-Changing Stories and Strategies
from the AGENO Foundation
By Karen Panton WalkingEagle
Foreword by Dr. Jamel Patterson
President of the AGENO Foundation International, Inc.
Like a mustard seed, the AGENO Foundation International, Inc. has grown from small and humble beginnings. Starting in Haiti and Uganda, when two Jamaican doctors paid the school fees for three young boys in Port-au-Prince and purchased food and mosquito nets for villagers near Kampala, AGENO is now an organization with an expansive reach. Since 2011, thousands of people have sought and received assistance and support from AGENO’s donors and board of directors. This all-volunteer team of dedicated individuals, from all walks of life, has performed thousands of consequential acts of transformative power on behalf of individuals, families, and communities in need. These consequential acts have expanded God’s Kingdom, not only in Haiti and Uganda, but also through service in Jamaica, Malawi, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.